Wisdom Teeth
“Wisdom teeth” appear in the mouth around age 17 and beyond.
They are our third molars. As their presence became redundant in modern days, they often develop problems with time when left poorly maintained, in poorly accessible parts of our mouth.

If your wisdom teeth are not giving any problems, such as pain, gum infection, food trapping, tooth decay, bone loss, or cyst formation, you may not need to consider their removal. Periodic radiographic examinations and close monitoring are critical in keeping it healthy, trouble-free, and preventing collateral damages to neighboring healthy teeth.
Reasons why you should have your wisdom teeth extracted
Your jaw may be too small to accommodate all your teeth
Crooked orientation in erupting
Incomplete eruption of a tooth
A cyst developed around the tooth

Extraction Procedure
The tooth of concern will be examined thoroughly, radiographs might be taken, and possible treatment options will be discussed.
Extraction of a tooth will only proceed when the decision has been reached with the patient has thoroughly considered all other alternative options.
A local anesthetic will be administered, and the dentist will check whether you have been appropriately anesthetized.
The gum tissue at the extraction site may need to be opened if the tooth access is compromised. The tooth itself will then be removed. When the extraction is complete, you may need to have the site sutured, and sterile gauze pads will be placed to apply pressure on the extraction site to control bleeding.
Surgical Removal Procedure
Removal of wisdom teeth occasionally requires a surgical approach that involves making incisions in the gum tissue and lifting it off the bone, removing bone around the tooth, cutting and breaking the tooth into smaller pieces, and removing the tooth.
Wisdom tooth removal surgery before age 20 is typically easier, safer, and less costly than a procedure performed at a later age.

Treatment Details

1-2 Visits


After Treatment

Certificate Issued
Post Procedure
Recovery shouldn't take more than a few days. Pain medicine together with antibiotics will be prescribed.
We highly recommend you do the following after the extraction.
1 Hour
No Spitting
1 Week
1 Day
Gauze Removal
No spitting. Swallow instead.
No Sauna, Strenuous exercise, drinking & smoking
No brushing for the night, rinse next day with mouth wash